Iris Lovingmist was a unicorn (later alicorn) who was Celestia's protégé. At one point in time she was to be the heir to the throne
of Equestria, but she would eventually disappear and become forgotten under mysterious circumstances. While no one remembers her
or her name, she is associated with roaming spirits that possess random, remote lands in Equestria.
Despite the fact that she has the same name I use as a pseudonym, I don't consider her a self-insert character. I actually came up!

Ivory Starsail is a unicorn in the same class as Iris. She's not as adept in her magical ability, but she's not far behind.
Ivory is a shy pony and her shyness is often misinterpreted as standoffish. She prefers to keep to herself, but is good friends with Iris and Scarlett.
She's very much by the books, and doesn't like to bend the rules out of her fear of authority figures. Her and Scarlett often find themselves at odds with each other.

Scarlett Moonstone is a unicorn a few grades behind Iris and Ivory, though still the same age. At a young age she ran away from home to Canterlot, and with the help of Iris
joined Celestia's Academy for Gifted Unicorns. Her methods of learning magic are unorthodox as most of what she knows is self-taught, but this allows her to
change and alter spells she learns from books. She has a confrontational and rebellious nature, but her loyalty to those she loves is unmatched.